So this is our first post since we have been married. So far we are loving it....well most of it :) It is hard to get used to someone in my bed after so many years of sleeping by myself. Last night, Jonah woke me up in the middle of the night by elbowing me in the eye. I was not to happy about that at all. But luckily I was able to get back to sleep. I have to admit that he made up for it by just laying there and holding me. There is no better feeling than know that when I wake up in the morning he will be there. No more texting a good morning to each other, no more having to say good bye at night. I love being able to fall asleep in his arms...And he doesn't have any complaints about married life either :)
When we got back from our honeymoon, it was back to the real world. We started to go through all of our gifts and figure out what we got doubles of and need to take back. We have yet to take things back and exchange them. We are both to We did go to the DI the other day, and we were able to buy a kitchen table and a coffee table. We were very excited. So we should have almost everything when we move into our apartment in two weeks. We are very excited to get into our own place and start our own lives with our rules and our way of doing things. As for me, I am super excited to decorate our apartment!!! That is going to be so much fun for me. Jonah doesn't care much for that so he is leaving all the fun to me.Lol. But so far married life is good. Once we get the wedding pictures ready I will post a blog with some of those.