Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Family Fun

We did have a great day. It was so nice to have a day off together where we could go do something. The only day we have off together is Sunday. So this was a real treat. First off, we went up Provo Canyon and went on a hike! Man I am not used to hikes. But it was so fun. The trail ends in this meadow in the middle of the mountains. It was so pretty. And of course we took the dogs with us. They had a blast running around in the meadow. It was Koda's first time on a hike and he really liked it. We defiantly wore them out. We went back home when we were done to drop the dogs off. They crashed and went to sleep. Then we went around looking at furniture stores, just for fun. We also got ourselves some presents! We got a video camera and a small point and shoot camera! We have been getting so tired of lugging our big SLR camera where ever we go. So we got a small camera that we can take and put in our pockets. So we spoiled ourselves, but we deserved it. lol.

Also, we had the privilege of having my parents come and stay the night with us this past week. They had dentist appointments in Tooele so they came a day early and hung out with us. We gave them a little tour of our neighborhood. My mom especially liked all the animals we have down the street from us. We went out to dinner with them and had a great time. My mom and aunt will be coming up in June to visit so I am very excited about that.

Also, Jonah and I were called to be in the Nursery! Sunday was our first day. This will be an interesting calling. Jonah is excited about it. He wanted a calling where he could work with the kids. It seems that they always put the couples with no kids in the Nursery. It's like they are trying to make us not want to have kids. Lol. Im'm just kidding. I am excited for this calling and I hope that we can do it well.
I think that is all that is new with us for now. Our next event we are looking forward to is Jonah's birthday!( If you have any ideas let me know.)


ileen said...

Hey, will you actually take some pictures now?

Anonymous said...

Fun FUN! its amazing how bug your puppy is already! Where was it you hiked? It looks fantabulous.

ileen said...

Love the pictures!!! What a beautiful world the Lord has blessed us with.

Tammy said...

I love getting away with my husband. We usually tear up the mud with wheeler tires and leave all dogs and kids at home. Aren't we nice? :) Good luck in the nursury. You'll never get out of the Primary program now. I've been teaching primary classes for five years now. Once they've got you, they don't want to get rid of you.

Wynter said...

I love all the pics! I cant believe that Koda has gotten so big so fast.
I was in the nursery for almost 3 years and loved every second of it! Enjoy it while you can and take lots of things to color, it will keep you sane ;)

TaMerra said...

Who needs kids when you have dogs and the nursey to keep you going? At this rate, you will be in the nursery for at least 3 years maybe add on a few more years to account for the dogs - your kids will be soooo much younger than their cousins just like we kind of were. That is if you have any kids :)